My CDGA Caddie

Player of the Year Archives


2002 Heartland Cup Player of the Year

(Final Results)


Tim Sheppard                       650

IL State Mid-Am                    7th  (50)

IL State Pub-Links                  2nd  (50)

USGA Mid-Am                      Qualify-Match (300)

Peoria Points                          1st  (250) 


Todd Mitchell                       600

            Illinois State Am                     1st  (350)

Bloomington Points                1st  (250)


Curt Minkel                           400

IL State Mid-Am                    Champion (250)

            Peoria Points                          T2nd (150)


Geoff Lound                          375

USGA APL                             Q – Match – 1 win  (375)


Ryan McClintock                  300

USGA APL                             Q- Match  (300)


Brian Anderson                     250

            Illinois State Am                     2nd  (250)


Ed Mabie                               250

            Springfield Points                   1st  (250)


David White                          250

            Decatur Points                                   1st  (250)


Fred Lukasik                         250

CDGA Senior Am                  2nd  (50)

USGA Senior Open                Q  (100)

USGA Senior Amateur          Q – match (275)

CDGA State Senior Champ. 3rd - 50


Tim Hoss, Jr.                         250

            Champaign Points                 1st (250)


Elston Mitchell                      195

CDGA Senior Am                  1 match  (20)

            Bloomington Points                2nd (175)


Rick LeHew                          180

IL State Mid-Am                    11th  (30)

Peoria Points                          T2nd   (150)


Kraig Rogers                         175

            Decatur Points                                   2nd (175)


Rick Ciotti                             175

            Springfield Points                   2nd (175)


Jay Scott                                 175

            Champaign Points                 2nd  (175)


Dave Ryan                             165

            Illinois State Am                     21st  (40)

            Springfield Points                   3rd  (125)


Grant Goltz                           145

            CDGA Public Links               2nd  (20)

            Champaign Points                 3rd  (125)


Dustin Ziegler                       125

CDGA Amateur                     1 match  (50)

            Peoria Points                          5th  (75)


Josh Wheeler                         125

            Bloomington Points                3rd  (125)


Greg Davis                            125

            Decatur Points                                   3rd  (125)


Jack Frisch                             120

            IL State Mid-Am                    Make cut  (20)

Bloomington Points                4th  (100)


Mark Greskoviak                 100

Peoria Points                          4th  (100)       


Dale Blankenship                 100

            Springfield Points                   4th  (100)


Jamie Fairbanks                    100

            Champaign Points                 4th (100) 


Lon Lugten                             100

            Decatur Points                                   4th  (100)


Jonathon Krick                      100

CDGA Junior Match              1st  (100)


Blair Fernandes                     75

            Springfield Points                   5th  (75)


Brad Barker                           75

            Bloomington Points                5th  (75)


Bill Hobbs                             75

            Champaign Points                 5th  (75) 


Bob Stewart                           75

            Decatur Points                                   5th (75)


Martin Grupp                                     70

            IL State Mid-Am                    13th  (30)

Illinois State Am                     T32nd  (40)


Tom Kearfott                         60

IL State Mid-Am                    5th  (60)


Nick Bova                              50

            CDGA Junior Open               2nd (50)


Jeff Niepagen                                    50

            Illinois State Am                     15th  (50)


Andy Dustman                      50

            Illinois State Am                     15th  (50)


Jason Traeder                                     50

            Illinois Open                           T18 (50)


Scot Frankenreider               40

            Illinois State Am                     T29th  (40)


Charlie Simmons                  40

            Illinois State Am                     36th  (40)


Tom Miler                              30

IL State Mid-Am                    13th  (30)


Todd Rodemich                     20

            Illinois Open                           T45  (20)


Adam Angst                          20

IL State Mid-AM                    Make cut  (20)


Michael Cocagne                  10

CDGA Senior Am                  Match play  (10)



Chicago District Golf Association
11855 Archer Avenue
Lemont, IL 60439